Struggling To Set Your Monkey on Fire? Here’s Dozens of Tips To Save You Hours on Your Blender 2.8 Doughnut

Answers from the YouTube comments. Also, there’s an updated Blender 3.0 tutorial

Image on right created by Andrew Price

A few years ago, I started learning Blender so I could create video games. More times than I can remember, I’d get stuck and not know where to look. So, I’d go to Google, and Google would help — after hours of searching.

It was frustrating. To save you that misery, I’ve gathered dozens of helpful comments from YouTubers working through Andrew Price’s — aka Blender Guru — older Blender 2.8 tutorial.

A new version using Blender 3.0 is available, and I’ll make more tip articles later.

Blender 3.0 Tutorial | Blender Guru’s YouTube channel

So, let’s get started.

TABLE OF CONTENTSWhy is my monkey not on fire?Where is the "Bake" button?Where is "Bake Data"?Where is the physics menu?Why am I having trouble seeing my model's preview?How do I change the number of frames that are animated?How do I search in Blender?

